Rare Barometer communications toolkit : the impact of rare diseases on everyday life
Use these resources, available in 25 languages, to share the new Rare Barometer survey on the impact of living with a rare disease on everyday life with your networks.
Click on the links below to download the materials.
1. Survey hyperlink
Share this link to the survey amongst your networks, available in 25 languages.
2. Language-specific communications materials
Download and use the suggested social media texts, images and email template, translated into your language, to promote the survey results via your networks. You can also share our posts from @eurordis on Twitter, or the EURORDIS Facebook page via your social media accounts.
3. Survey overview
Read and learn more about the survey and access the survey overview here.
4. Rare Barometer logos
Use the Rare Barometer logos alongside articles and other materials promoting the survey on your website.
Horizontal Rare Barometer Logo (white)
Vertical Rare Barometer Logo (white)
Horizontal Rare Barometer Logo (purple)
Vertical Rare Barometer Logo (purple)