18th Workshop, Brussels: « Corporate Responsibility in Improving Access to Orphan Medicinal Products »
February 27th, 2013
Brussels, Belgium
This Workshop focused on Corporate Responsibility in the context of the current economic situation across Europe, taking into consideration the national plans for rare diseases that EU Member States are urged to develop by the end of 2013. Bringing together more than 80 participants from 11 countries in the European Union, the USA and Canada, the workshop featured the participation of Thomas Heynisch, (European Commission, DG Enterprise), Johan van Calster, (former Head of Belgian Medicines Agency), Richard Bergström (Director General, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Association) and other stakeholders. The daylong event moved forward understanding of the complex issues involved in the process of fostering more equitable and rapid medicinal product access for people living with a rare disease across Europe.
Participants: 80
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