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4th International Scientific-Medical V4-CF Conference to take place in November

November 2024

The below Member Comment article was shared with EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe by our member organisation, the MATIO Fundacja Pomocy Rodzinom i Chorym na Mukowiscydozę (the MATIO Foundation for Helping Families and Cystic Fibrosis Patients).

On 22–23 November in Kraków, Poland, the MATIO Foundation and Slovenská Asociácia Cystickej Fibrózy will host the 4th International Scientific-Medical V4-CF Conference on Cystic Fibrosis, under the patronage of national and regional leaders, this premier event will bring together medical experts, researchers, and patients to address advancements in CF care. This conference fosters collaboration on innovative approaches to treatment, early diagnostics, therapies and effective patient support, especially within Visegrad Group countries. 

The V4-CF Conference serves as a platform for impactful discussions on key aspects of CF, including current treatment protocols, genetic research, and effective patient management strategies. The event will offer a robust lineup of keynote presentations, expert panels, and research exhibitions that enable knowledge sharing across borders. 

Distinguished speakers will include leading researchers, genetic specialists, pulmonologists, and patient advocacy representatives. Attendees will benefit from invaluable insights into the latest developments, including the latest genetic studies and targeted therapies, designed to improve the quality of life for CF patients globally. 

For further details, including registration and conference agenda, visit the official website: