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Rare Diseases 360° at ECRD 2018 Vienna

Novembre 2017

The European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products 2018 (ECRD) will take place in Vienna from 10 – 12 May.

The 2018 theme Rare Diseases 360° – collaborative strategies to leave no one behind reinforces the unique role the conference plays to bring together and facilitate effective 360° policy discussions between all members of the rare disease community. Sessions at the conference will focus on the below six sub-themes.

ECRD Themes

Get involved in ECRD 2018 Vienna!

ECRD, the leading event for the rare disease community in Europe, offers the opportunity for networking and effective policy discussions between all rare disease stakeholders including patient advocates, policy makers, healthcare industry representatives, clinicians, regulators, payers and Member State representatives.

The conference will offer participants a 360° view on the latest rare disease advances, challenges and trends, taking into account the experiences of all participants, including patients as equal experts.

The conference will take place at a critical time, one year before the next European parliamentary elections. Sessions at ECRD 2018 will help to demonstrate and reinforce the importance of EU actions in rare diseases. EU cooperation has been vital in developing national plans for rare diseases and in launching the first European Reference Networks. Participants at ECRD 2018 will discuss how to continue and extend this momentum by taking a 360° approach when looking forward to the next 20 years. 

Eva Bearryman, Communications Manager, EURORDIS