New network of Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Diseases
October 2017Next Tuesday, EURORDIS will launch the Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Diseases , a network of European and national members of parliament advocating to improve the lives of people living with a rare disease.
Through the network, EURORDIS aims to bring together members of parliament to ensure strong international and local action, shape political input for current and future legislation, and integrate rare diseases into all relevant policies at all levels.
During the launch event ‘Juggling Care and Daily Life: The Balancing Act of the Rare Diseases Community’ held at the European Parliament in Brussels, participants will hear from patient representatives on the reality of living with a rare disease, as well as from MEP Françoise Grossetête, herself a Parliamentary Advocate for Rare Diseases and patron of the event, and Martin Seychell, Deputy Director-General DG SANTE of the European Commission.
Follow the launch event on social media via #ParliamentAdvocate4Rare.
The launch event includes a presentation of highlights of the results of the first European survey on the impact of rare diseases on daily life, as carried out through Rare Barometer Voices, the EURORDIS survey initiative.
Why a network of Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Diseases?
Over the last 20 years, efforts to create breakthrough legislation in support of rare diseases and orphan medicines have been mainly driven by the EU institutions. However, despite advances over the years, many major challenges remain today for European citizens living with a rare disease.
These challenges raise important questions as to what more the European Union could do to generate further progress or to eradicate inequalities in research, access to medicines, and health and social care between and within Member States.
The network of Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Diseases will help tackle these challenges by fostering cross-border EU collaboration.
Encourage your representative to become a Parliamentary Advocate for Rare Diseases
If you would like to encourage your local MP or MEP to become a member of the network of Parliamentary Advocates for Rare Diseases please contact Clara Hervas, Public Affairs Junior Manager (, who can provide you with the information and materials you need to reach out to your MP or MEP.
Eva Bearryman, Communications Manager, EURORDIS